5 Skills-A-Thon
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Date: Sat Jan 11, 1:00 PM EST - Sat Jan 11, 5:00 PM EST
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Daisies,
  • Volunteers,
  • Brownies

Enjoy a day of learning and polishing your entrepreneurial skills at the 5-Skills-A-Thon! Attend with your troop or on your own and learn everything from People Skills to Money Management, to Goal Setting. You will complete activities that will have you working on Decision Making all the way to Business Ethics all while earning special experience patches along the way! Don't miss this opportunity to start your cookie program off with a splash!

This program is for Daisy and Brownie Girl Scouts! All attendees will earn 5 experience bar patches, each showing one of the 5 Skills!
Select a time wave at registration. This program takes place at the AEP Foundation STEM Leadership Center at Camp Ken Jockety. Registration fee: $8/Girl, $2/Adult.