
Were you ever a Girl Scout (girl or adult member)? Since the Girl Scout organization’s inception in 1912, more than 50 million American women have enjoyed Girl Scouting, and more than 53 percent of all women business owners are Girl Scout alumnae.
Sign up to be a part of the Girl Scout Alumnae Association (it's FREE) and receive news and information about upcoming alumnae events. All Girl Scout alumnae are encouraged to join, regardless of where, when, or how long they were Girl Scouts.
Join the Girl Scout Alumnae Association or fill out the form below.
You can also join the GSOH Alum Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/GSOHAlum and stay connected with volunteer opportunities, social events, and see the amazing things the girls are doing.
A great way to reconnect with Girl Scouts is to help the girls of today become the women leaders of tomorrow. You can invest in girls here.
Learn how to support girls by volunteering.
To get involved on the national level join the Girl Scout Network at https://www.girlscouts.org/en/get-involved/alums/sign-up-for-the-girl-scout-network.html
You can make an impact in your community with Trefoil I, GSOH's alum philanthropic organization.