Dream Big

The vision behind why Girl Scouts was founded has remained the same since its founding in 1912—to redefine what is possible for girls everywhere. Girl Scouts has grown to nearly 2 million girl members with over 50 million Girl Scout alums throughout the world. We are building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. Learn more in our media kit here.
Today, women make up nearly half of the U.S. workforce yet are drastically underrepresented in many fields – including STEM, In-Demand jobs, and leadership roles:
Less than a third of women students choose to study higher education courses in subjects like math and engineering. To combat this, we are in the midst of a $16M project known as the Dream Big Transformational Initiative. Staff and troop leaders alike are all-in and fired up to support this initiative. We are currently working with community partners (public, private, etc.) to make this project a reality. We hope you will join us in dreaming big to fuel leadership opportunities for girls.
You can help by donating or setting a pledge below.
Girl Scout STEM programming helps our girls dream big:
With these facts in mind, Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland has been Dreaming Big for girls’ futures through our Dream Big Transformational Initiative. Girl Scouts of the USA proposed a bold goal of putting 2.5 million girls in the STEM pipeline by 2025. Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland is supporting this initiative locally by creating a 220-acre immersive STEM and Leadership Campus in Western Franklin County at Camp Ken-Jockety. Through this project, girls will have the tools necessary to create pathways to in-demand careers and bridge the gender gap in the STEM field. With access to cutting-edge programs, a safe place to learn new skills, and mentors encouraging them along the way, our girls will learn about jobs of the future to spark their interest and curiosity.
We've broken ground on the STEM Leadership Center & Maker Space building. Check out our timeline below!
THE ROAD SO FARWhile this project is be led by GSOH, this immersive campus will be a true community resource for youth and community stakeholders. With the camp’s proximity to downtown Columbus, it can be utilized by schools, other non-profits, and community partners. This campus will serve as a place where STEM learning is accessible to our diverse community. This progressive programming will have tremendous impact on the diversity and growth of the Central Ohio workforce for generations.
With your help, the Dream Big Transformational Initiative will: