For Cookie Sellers

Want to know about all the benefits of selling Girl Scout Cookies? Looking for a one-stop shop with the latest safety guidelines, information on earning the Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin, and tips for parents and volunteers working with Girl Scout Cookie Professionals?
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is an iconic Girl Scout tradition dating back more than 100 years — all the way to 1917—just five years after Juliette Gordon Low formed the first Girl Scout troop. Today, more than 700,000 Girl Scouts across the United States participate in the cookie program — having fun, developing valuable life skills, and making their communities a better place every step of the way.
100% of funds generated from this program go toward helping Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland build important skills by providing activities and opportunities through our programs.
Girl Scouts of the USA's Cookie Resources Page
Here you'll find handouts, posters, videos, and other materials to help you have fun and stay safe as you build your cookie business.
Little Brownie Bakers
Want to make this cookie season the best one yet? Check out some of the fun activities and materials for girls from our partners at Little Brownie Bakers.
GSOH Product Program YouTube
Check out our video walkthroughs of the cookies and rewards, managing the troop’s cookie program in eBudde and more!