Girl Scout badges covering topics like civic engagement, healthy living, and communication skills help Girl Scouts grow in confidence as they develop the skills to lead their best life!
Whether by exercising and staying healthy, developing strong relationships with family and peers, advocating on behalf of others, protecting our environment, or exploring careers that can truly change the world for the better, girls:
Gain the skills and the inspiration to accept challenges and overcome obstacles
Develop greater confidence and a stronger sense of self
Are happier overall and display more positive values throughout life
Successful completion of the membership process, including a background check, is required to become a volunteer at Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland. To purchase a membership, visit https://mygs.girlscouts.org/.
Once you have purchased a membership, you will watch a short video introducing the Girl Scout Program. You must also complete a background check. Please look for an email with information on how to complete it.
After completing those steps, you will be contacted in the following ways:
Background Check
The background check is required in the state of Ohio and includes a criminal record check as well as a check of sexual offender registries. This is for the safety of our girls. If you continue to hold your volunteer position in continuous service in a troop or service team, you are required to renew your background check every three years.
Due to the confidential nature of all background checks, Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council:
Volunteer Requirements
Requirements for appointment to volunteer positions include:
Requirements for reappointment to volunteer positions include:
The Girl Scout Leadership Experience is based on three keys—discover, connect, and take action—but it’s not just for your troop. As a Girl Scout leader, you will embark on your own leadership journey as you help girls develop the leadership skills they’ll use to make the world a better place. Here are a few basic concepts that outline what leadership means in Girl Scouting.
Leadership is teaching your Girl Scouts:
As a leader, see yourself as a coach who:
It is important to remember that:
Your Responsibilities as a Girl Scout Volunteer
Your responsibilities as a Girl Scout volunteer include:
Online classes: Sign into MY GS to access gsLearn. Please check gsLearn throughout the year for additional classes, but you can get started with the list available here.
We maintain that the leadership of the Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc. rests in the strength of its adults.
All volunteers are selected on the basis of qualifications for membership, ability to perform the job, and willingness and availability to participate in training. All volunteers are governed by policies adopted by the board of directors, which are periodically reviewed.
Diversity, Pluralism and Anti-Racism: Girl Scouts advance diversity, pluralism, and anti-racism and actively identify and oppose racism by removing systemic barriers to participation in our Movement and in the communities in which we live.
Membership: All volunteers participating in the Girl Scout Movement shall meet GSUSA membership standards, and shall agree to abide by the policies and principles of GSUSA and Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc.
All girls and adults shall be registered members through the council with GSUSA and individually pay the applicable membership dues, except those adults working as temporary advisors or consultants.
Selection: Every adult volunteer is selected on the basis of qualification for membership, ability to perform the volunteer position, and willingness and availability to participate in training for it. (Reaffirms GSUSA policy.)
Placement: Every attempt will be made to place volunteers in positions that meet both their needs and the needs of the council. In instances where this is not possible, the needs of the council will take precedence over the needs of the individual.
Agreement/Appointment/Reappointment: Operational volunteers shall be appointed for a term not to exceed one year, unless otherwise negotiated or indicated by term of office. A volunteer agreement will be completed at the time of appointment/election to a volunteer position. Reappointment/re-nomination takes place only after completion of a satisfactory performance review and mutual acceptance of position accountabilities, expectations, and time commitment.
Training: Upon accepting a position in the Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc., every volunteer must complete training appropriate for the position within six months of appointment.
Performance Appraisal: Each operational volunteer shall be provided with the opportunity for regular review and evaluation.
Uniforms: Members of the Girl Scout Movement are readily identified by uniforms worn for official functions. A uniform is not required for participation in Girl Scout activities but is suitable for almost all Girl Scout functions. Volunteers are encouraged to wear the Girl Scout pin when they are not in uniform (GSUSA standard).
Grievance: A grievance is a complaint that policies and/or procedures related to a volunteer’s position are not being administered properly as applied to her or him. The grievance procedure is a systematic process to ensure the objective hearing and orderly handling of volunteer grievances.
The grievance procedure may be used by all operational volunteers. Every volunteer may expect a fair resolution of her or his grievance without fear of jeopardizing her or his volunteer status. The council also maintains an open-door policy regarding volunteer concerns.
Many possible grievances can be anticipated and prevented by volunteer managers who understand the council’s volunteer management system and who are sensitive to human relations. Likewise, many grievances can be avoided when volunteers are informed at the time of placement of the council’s structure, and their place in it, who carries decision-making responsibilities and how decisions are made.
Most complaints and concerns can be resolved when they are brought to the attention of the volunteer’s immediate supervisor. It is hoped that most, if not all, grievance situations will be resolved through informal conferences and communications, the goals of which are to eliminate the cause for the grievance.
If occasionally a volunteer and her or his immediate supervisor are unable to resolve a job-related difference of opinion through informal efforts, the volunteer may request a copy of the council’s grievance procedures for operational volunteers. The initiation of the grievance procedure, however, will not restrict the council from taking appropriate action with respect to the volunteer.
Recognition: The council’s formal recognition system will be consistent with GSUSA guidelines.
Resignation: A volunteer may initiate termination of services prior to the end of the term of appointment. A volunteer unable to complete her/his term should give notice to her/his supervisor as far in advance as possible. Membership in the Girl Scout movement may continue beyond the term of a specific position and is not contingent upon current appointment to a job.
Release: Situations may arise that make it necessary to consider releasing an individual from an assignment. Any action to release a volunteer should receive careful and detailed consideration because of the possible implications and consequences for both the individual and the council.
Possible reasons for release are:
An adult volunteer who is terminated from her or his position may continue her or his membership with GSUSA unless it is determined that she or he is not able to meet the membership requirements related to accepting the principles and beliefs of the Movement or to support the mission and values of the organization. When this is the case, her or his membership will not be renewed.
Child Abuse: The council supports and maintains environments that are free of child abuse and neglect as defined by the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.
Child abuse and neglect are unlawful acts, and it is against the council’s policy for any volunteer, male or female, to physically, sexually, or mentally abuse or neglect any girl member. If a volunteer suspects child abuse or neglect they should report to a law enforcement entity or child protection agency and Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland through an incident report located at gsoh.org. Reporting to a parent or relative is not sufficient.
Suspected child abuse situations should be brought to the immediate attention of your Membership Manager and their Leader. The volunteer will call the child protection agency and provide the following information:
Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council will neither condone nor tolerate:
Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council reserves the right to refuse membership, to dismiss or to exclude from affiliation with the organization any staff member or volunteer who is found guilty of child abuse or neglect or has been convicted of child abuse or neglect. Local (more stringent) prevailing statutes may supersede Girl Scout policies.
When Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council is made aware of a pending investigation that is around abuse or neglect of a child, we reserve the right to suspend the member’s ability to volunteer and participating in any Girl Scout activities until the matter is cleared. It would be the responsibility of the accused to provide official documentation that the case has been dropped.
Any questions about this policy or when or to whom you report your concerns should be addressed to the Vice President of Membership Services.
Sexual Abuse Training: Volunteers are required to complete GSUSA training on an annual basis. Failure to complete training will result in a suspension of the ability to volunteer with the girls. Once the training is completed, their volunteer abilities will resume.
Sexual Harassment: The council policy guarantees volunteers an environment free of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment has been defined as “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.”
It is against the organization’s policies for any volunteer, male or female, to sexually harass another volunteer, employee, or Girl Scout member of the same or opposite sex. The council reserves the right to refuse membership endorsement or reappointment, and to dismiss or suspend from affiliation with the council any volunteer who, in conducting a Girl Scout program, advocates, solicits, or promotes a personal lifestyle or sexual orientation so as to create a substantial risk that such conduct will be detrimental to the proper role model for girl members.
Council Position on Concealed Carry Law: Firearms or weapons of any type are strictly prohibited anywhere on council-owned premises whether or not permitted by Ohio law. With the exception of the police or sheriff’s personnel, Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc., does not permit its members, guests, employees, or any other individual to carry weapons, such as firearms, on their body or in their belongings while engaged in Girl Scout activities or on Girl Scout property.
Non-smoking Policy: All buildings owned, rented, leased, or loaned to Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council, Inc., are designated as non-smoking environments. Adults who must smoke must use special areas on the grounds designated as smoking areas. Extinguished cigarettes must be put in the trash. There is to be no smoking, including electronic or vapor cigarettes, in the presence of minors. Adults must not leave minors unattended to smoke.
Benefits: Volunteer personnel benefits include:
Depending on the ages of your girls, you might take the lead in guiding the structure and experiences of your troop—from how and when meetings are held to how the troop communicates, from steering girl-led activities to setting financial expectations. You’ll make these decisions collaboratively with your volunteer team or co-leader, as well as with input from the girls and their parents and caregivers.
Use these questions to guide your conversation with your troop committee volunteers or co-leader before discussing these topics with parents and caregivers.
Choosing a Meeting Place
What makes a great meeting space? It depends on your troop, but here are a few considerations as you visit potential spaces:
Cost: The space should be free to use.
Size: Make sure the space is large enough for the whole group and all planned activities.
Availability: Be sure the space is available for the day and the entire length of time you want to meet.
Resources: Ask if tables and chairs come with the room and ensure that the lighting is adequate. A bonus would be a cubby of some sort where you could store supplies or a safe outdoor space for activities.
Safety: Potential spaces must be safe, secure, clean, properly ventilated, heated (or cooled, depending on your location), free from hazards, and have at least two exits that are well-marked and fully functional. Also be sure first-aid equipment is on hand.
Facilities: It goes without saying, but make sure that toilets are sanitary and accessible.
Communication-friendly: Check for cell reception in the potential space and whether Wi-Fi is available.
Allergen-free: Ensure that pet dander and other common allergens won’t bother susceptible girls during meetings.
Accessibility: Your space should accommodate girls with disabilities as well as parents with disabilities who may come to meetings.
Need a few talking points to get started? Try:
“I’m a Girl Scout volunteer with a group of [number of girls] girls. We’re doing lots of great things for girls and for the community, like [something your group is doing] and [something else your troop is doing]. We’re all about leadership—the kind that girls use in their daily lives and the kind that makes our community better. We’d love to hold our meetings here because [reason why you’d like to meet there].”
Stuck and need additional support? Contact your council or your service unit support team for help with a troop meeting place.
Residential Meetings
Girl Scouts does not recommend holding troop meetings in private homes. If you are considering meeting in a private home, troops are required to provide the following documentation which can be requested from your membership manager or on GSOH website:
Both forms are submitted to your membership manager who will present them to the Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland’s Risk Management Team. If an approval is granted the homeowner will complete the Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement. This form must be submitted to your membership manager prior to any Girl Scout meeting at a private residence.
Virtual Meetings
If your group or troop can’t meet in person or hold a traditional meeting, there are so many ways to bring the power of Girl Scouting home! Meeting virtually can be a fun, engaging option for your troop.
Before setting up a virtual meeting, you’ll want to:
Girl Scout Troop Size
The troop size “sweet spot” is large enough to provide an interactive and cooperative learning environment and small enough to encourage individual development. Though the ideal troop size is 12 girls, we recommend that groups be no fewer and no more than:
A Girl Scout troop/group must have at minimum five girls and two approved adult volunteers. (Double-check the volunteer-to-girl ratio chart to make sure you’ve got the right amount of coverage for your troop!) Adults and girls registering in groups of fewer than five girls and/or two approved, unrelated adult volunteers, at least one of whom is female, will be registered as individual Girl Scouts to more accurately reflect their status and program experience. Individual girls are always welcome to participate in Girl Scout activities and events.
Registering Girls and Adults in Girl Scouting
Every participant (girl or adult) in Girl Scouting must register and become a member of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA). GSUSA membership dues are valid for one year. Membership dues cannot be transferred to another member and are not refundable.
Preregistration for the upcoming membership year occurs in the spring. Girls are encouraged to register early to avoid the fall rush. Early registration allows for uninterrupted receipt of forms and materials from the council, helps girls and councils plan ahead, and gets girls excited about all the great stuff they want to do as Girl Scouts next year. Girl Scout grade level is determined by the current membership year beginning October 1.
Lifetime membership is available to anyone who accepts the principles and beliefs of the Girl Scout Promise and Law, pays the one-time lifetime membership fee, and is at least 18 years old (or a high school graduate or equivalent). Volunteers with ten or more years of service can become lifetime members at the discounted young alum rate.
Adding New Girls to Your Troop
Growing your troop is a great way to share the power of the Girl Scout experience and there are many ways to get the word out , like hanging posters at your girls’ schools, using social media to reach families in your community, or including your troop in your council’s Opportunity Catalog or Troop Catalog.
Girl Scouts is for every girl, and that’s why we embrace girls of all abilities and backgrounds with a specific and positive philosophy of inclusion that benefits everyone. Each Girl Scout—regardless of her socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, physical or cognitive ability, sexual orientation, primary language, political belief, or religion—is an equal and valued member of the group, and groups reflect the diversity of the community.
We believe inclusion is an approach and an attitude, rather than a set of guidelines. Inclusion is about belonging—about all girls being offered the same opportunities with respect, dignity, and celebration of their unique strengths. It’s about being a sister to every Girl Scout! You’re accepting and inclusive when you:
Just as your Girl Scouts rally around each other for support, you will also have a dedicated Girl Scout support team, consisting of council staff and passionate volunteers like you. Your support team, which may be called a service unit at your council, is ready to offer local learning opportunities and advice as well as answer your questions about the Girl Scout program, working with girls, product sales, and much more.
Before you hold your first troop meeting with girls, consider the support and people resources you’ll need to cultivate an energizing troop experience. Parents, friends, family, and other members of the community have their own unique strengths and can provide time, experience, and ideas to a troop, so get them involved from the very beginning as part of your volunteer troop team. This team is made up of troop leaders (like you) and troop committee volunteers.
Your troop committee volunteers are the extra set of eyes, ears, and hands that help the troop safely explore the world around them. Depending on your troop’s needs, they can play a more active role—for instance, someone can step up as a dedicated troop treasurer—or simply provide an occasional helping hand when you need to keep a meeting activity on track.
If a parent or caregiver isn’t sure if they can commit to a committee or co-leader role, encourage them to try volunteering in a smaller capacity that matches their skill set. Just like your young Girl Scouts, once troop parents and caregivers discover they can succeed in their volunteer role, they’ll feel empowered to volunteer again.
Girl Scout programs and activities meet the needs and interests of girls, are based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law, and enable girls to grow and develop. Girl Scout program activities can take place in a variety of settings and come in many forms including:
Program and Special Events
Programs are offered for every age level and for families. These events are offered at council-owned facilities, community partners, and local sites. Information about these programs, including dates/times, descriptions, fees, and supervision requirements, is published in myGSOH and in our Activities List.
Event registration is completed through My GS. View our detailed step-by-step instructions on completing registration here.
Patch, Kit Programs, and Community Resources
These activities may be completed throughout the year according to the schedules and interests of the girls. Many of the patch program activity guides can be downloaded for free or purchased through the GSOH Resource Stores. Program specifics may vary and new opportunities may be added throughout the year, so check back regularly on the website.
From toolkits and guides to regular contact with experienced people, you’ll have all the support you need to be a Girl Scout volunteer. Here’s a list of some important resources you’ll want to check out.
The Volunteer Toolkit
The Volunteer Toolkit is a customizable planning tool where you can find suggested meeting plans for most badges, access activity guides and badge requirements, track your Girl Scouts’ achievements, and so much more. With inspiring ideas so you can engage your troop in a mix of activities all year long, it’s the digital planning assistant that will help you power a fun-filled—and organized—Girl Scout year. Be sure to look for helpful icons to identify activity focus areas like the evergreen icon which tells you the activity can be taken outside or the globe icon which lets you know you can bring a global perspective to the activity. You’ll find the Volunteer Toolkit in the left menu bar under My GS / My Account. VTK is accessible on any desktop, tablet, or mobile device.
With the Volunteer Toolkit, girls and leaders can explore meeting topics and program activities together and follow the fun as they plan their Girl Scout year. Using the Volunteer Toolkit:
Troop Leaders can:
Parents and Caregivers can:
Get started by finding it in your MyGS account.
Safety Activity Checkpoints
Safety is paramount in Girl Scouting, and this resource—Safety Activity Checkpoints—contains everything you need to know to help keep your girls safe during a variety of exciting activities outside of their regular Girl Scout troop meetings.
Tips for Troop Leaders
When you’re looking for real-world advice from fellow troop leaders who've been there, this volunteer-to-volunteer resource on the Girl Scouts of the USA website has what you need for a successful troop year.
Girl Scout Volunteers in Your Community
Remember that Girl Scout support team we mentioned? You’ll find them in your service unit! Troops are organized geographically into service units or communities. You’ll find a local network of fellow leaders and administrative volunteers ready to offer tips and advice to help you succeed in your volunteer role.
Customer Care Contacts
Questions? Need help resolving an issue? We’ve got you! Reach out anytime by either clicking on the “Contact Us” form or email customercare@gsoh.org. You can reach a customer service specialist by calling 614-487-8101 during business hours.
Customer Care Hours
August 15–May 15
Monday–Thursday: 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
May 16–August 14
Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Our council has multiple ways of sharing information with parents/caregivers and volunteers. Check all of these to stay up to date with council news.
Campfire Connections
A newsletter that is emailed on the first and third Wednesdays of every month for parents and caregivers. Volunteers get a monthly version on the fifth day of every month. Be sure to watch for this informational newsletter filled with updates on the latest events, programs, new opportunities, and GSOH news. Make sure you opt into these emails through MY GS.
Council Social Media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GirlScoutsOH/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girlscoutsoh/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GirlScoutsOH
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/GirlScoutsOH/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/girlscoutsoh/
We also have grade level Facebook page for each Girl Scout grade level. These groups provide opportunities for age specific support. Visit https://www.facebook.com/GirlScoutsOH/groups to join groups.
A Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland Council publication published and mailed one per Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland volunteer household once a year. A digital copy is also uploaded at on our Publications page. It contains listings of program events and information.
Summer and Day Camp Guides
These annual guides provide information about summer camp programming. The Summer Camp Guide is mailed to girls’ homes/added to the website in late January each year and the Day Camp Guide is mailed to girls’ homes/added to the website in late March each year. You can view them at on our Publications page.
Impact Report
This annual comprehensive report details the council’s activities and successes from the most recent membership year. You can view the most recent edition at on our Publications page.
Logos and Brand Marks
Individuals and service units may request to use the Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland logos, brand marks, and fonts, however the council marketing department must review all requests to approve usage. The logo (trefoil) and council lockup may not be reassembled or manipulated in any way. GSOH council marketing department must approve all final artwork to ensure all guidelines are met before printing or production.
Merchandise offered for resale or distributed at fee-based activities must receive approval from council and council must facilitate orders through official GSUSA licensed vendors. Contact GSOH Marketing and Communications at marcomm@gsoh.org in the early planning stages to allow for approval time from GSUSA.
Merchandise may be purchased from non-licensed vendors when there are no resale or fee-based events involved. This merchandise is to be strictly used for gifts, displays, and awards. Council facilitates an order by granting a one-time approval to a non-licensed vendor. Non-licensed vendors may contact our Marketing and Communications department at marcomm@gsoh.org to request high quality files and branding guidelines.
The guidelines below are to help you create a website that will accomplish your goals while maintaining the integrity of the Girl Scout brand and protecting the safety of our girls.
Internet Safety
Girls should not get online without permission from a parent/caregiver and should never give out their personal information, including name, address, school, or telephone number.
Ways to protect girls’ information on the internet:
Social Media
GSOH maintains a social media presence through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Instagram. The goal of our social media presence is to recruit potential Girl Scouts, volunteers and donors as well as to retain current membership. The use of social media enhances the visibility of our council as a united front reaching out to the community and media regarding council activities, events, and more.
Social Media Etiquette
We invite volunteers to participate and follow our social media accounts keeping the guidelines below in mind.
Volunteer Responsibility
Before you begin developing a social media platform for your service unit, troop, or Girl Scout activity, you should designate one adult who will be responsible for monitoring the platform, ensuring that members communicate effectively and follow the guidelines stated below.
Identifying Members
Remember that anything posted is a reflection of Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland and GSUSA, so please be cautious when selecting content.
Girl Use
Speak with the girls in your troop or service unit and make sure they understand the importance of preserving the Girl Scout image online. Encourage them to use good judgment and discretion when posting online.
Girls should sign the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge found here.
Girl Scouts 13 years of age and older may use social media after they have reviewed this document with their parents and signed the pledge form. You can also find more online safety information in the Girl Scout aMAZE Journey.
If you are contacted by Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland or GSUSA and asked to remove any content or links from your social media platform, please comply with that request. If you find a Girl Scout social media platform that is in violation of these guidelines, please contact your membership manager. Please describe the violation in detail and provide the web address. We expect all who participate in social media on behalf of Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heartland (or in relation to) to understand and follow these guidelines. These guidelines will continue to evolve as social media evolves and new technologies and tools are added.
Social Media Platforms
The next section of these guidelines gives specific information about council accounts and how to start Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Creating a closed Facebook Group for your service unit or troop
The first step is to create your own Facebook account, if you have not done so already. You can create an account at facebook.com. To create a group, take the following steps:
If you have already created a profile for your troop and/or service unit, please set the privacy settings to friends only (if it is a regular Facebook profile page). This way, individuals must request to be your friend. Note: This will only work if your page is a regular Facebook profile page. If you created a fan page, you should change it to a group and set the settings as noted above.
These guidelines for Facebook are in place so that girls are protected online, especially if you are posting pictures and/or meeting dates and times on the page.
Things you can do with a closed Facebook group:
In a closed group, any member can invite other members to join, as long as they are Facebook friends. Remember to protect everyone’s privacy by only inviting current adult volunteers.
The creator of the closed group is the administrator by default. For that reason, we encourage the communications consultant to create the closed group. It is a good practice to have more than one administrator so that the responsibility of the account can be shared.
If you have any questions, please contact the Marketing and Communications department at marcomm@gsoh.org or 614-487-8101.
Forms on Website
Need a form on the website, but don’t know where to look? Click here.
You can search for any form you need. To narrow your search, click Options right below the box. You can choose a category or categories based on the context of the form.
The Girl Scout Shop has everything a Girl Scout, troop leader, or volunteer needs from badges, books, and clothes to games, toys, gifts, and sportswear for the family.
We know that when you have the knowledge and skills you need to manage your girls, both you and your troop will thrive. Here are a few of the opportunities available to volunteers. Check our Volunteer Resources page for new training and learning opportunities.
Adult Camporee: This fun-filled get-away occurs yearly in September for adult members to meet new friends while exploring the beautiful grounds of Camp Molly Lauman.
Autumn Adventure: A fun filled day of adventure at Camp Ken-Jockety.
Online classes: Sign into MY GS to access gsLearn. Please check gsLearn throughout the year for additional classes, but you can get started with the classes available here.
What begins with Girl Scouts speaking up at a troop meeting can go all the way to speaking in front of their city council for a cause they champion—and they’ll have your support to thank for that. Your volunteer role makes a powerful difference. Thank you for all you do.
Just as you’ll receive support throughout your volunteering experience, when you reach the end of the term you signed up for, you’ll talk with your support team about the positive parts of your experience as well as the challenges you faced, and you’ll discuss whether you want to return to this position or try something new. The end of your troop year, camp season, overseas trip, or series/event session is just the beginning of your next adventure with Girl Scouts!
If you’re ready for more opportunities, be sure to let your council support team know how you’d like to be a part of girls’ lives in the future—whether in the same position or in other, flexible ways. Are you ready to organize a series or event? Take a trip? Work with girls at camp? Work with a troop of girls as a yearlong volunteer? Share your skills at a council office, working behind the scenes? The possibilities are endless and can be tailored to fit your skills and interests.
Volunteer Development Hearts
The volunteer development hearts are presented to adults in Girl Scouting who:
Volunteer Recognitions
As a volunteer, your hard work means the world to girls, to your council staff and to Girl Scouts of the USA. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!
Each year at the Annual Meeting in late April, we honor our volunteers with special recognitions. For more information about these, visit our Volunteer Recognitions page.
Volunteer Appreciation Month
Without our passionate and dedicated volunteers, there would be no Girl Scouting. That’s why we celebrate National Volunteer Month every April! And get ready to crank up the party as we ring in National Girl Scout Leader’s Day on April 22.
Girl Scouts also celebrates National Volunteer Week, which falls during the third week of April. What can we say—we love our volunteers!
The decision by Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to open the Boy Scout program to girls has fundamentally altered the nature of the relationship between BSA and Girl Scouts nationally and locally. Local relationships between BSA and Girl Scout councils that have led to partnerships and joint activities in the past may now create certain risks or challenges for Girl Scouts. For this reason, councils are encouraged to avoid joint recruiting and/or joint participation in community events or activities.
Marketplace Confusion
To protect the integrity of the Girl Scout brand and reinforce our programming as unique, girl-only, and best in class, we must ensure that we take care that the activities in which girls participate are exclusive to the Girl Scout program, are safe and girl-led, and are conducted under the appropriate supervision of Girl Scouts.
Protecting Use of Girl Scout Materials
Girl Scout materials are intended for the exclusive use of Girl Scouts and are protected as the intellectual property of Girl Scouts of the USA. Materials include but are not limited to: Girl Scout logo, tag lines, and/or program and badge requirements.
© Copyright 2009–2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. All rights reserved. All information and material contained in Girl Scouts’ Volunteer Essentials guide (“Material”) is provided by Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) and is intended to be educational material solely to be used by Girl Scout volunteers and council staff. Reproduction, distribution, compiling, or creating derivative works of any portion of the Material or any use other than noncommercial uses as permitted by copyright law is prohibited, unless explicit, prior authorization by GSUSA in writing was granted. GSUSA reserves its exclusive right in its sole discretion to alter, limit, or discontinue the Material at any time without notice.